Build DVD


To build the DVD files, click on the ôBuildö button on the main window to open the ôDVD Buildö window.


The ôDVD Buildö window shows what to do in a wizard represents the process steps.



These are the wizard steps in details:


(Step 1)á License Agreement:

First, you should agree with the license associated with the program to begin building the DVD files.



To agree with the license, click on the ôAgreeö button to move to the next step.


To disagree with the license, click on the ôDisAgreeö button to back to the main window.








(Step 2) Select the IFO file:


Second, you need to select the DVD IFO file which the program needs it to determine the associated movie files.


This is important as to calculate the total size required.



To do it, click on the ôBrowseö button and select the IFO file from your DVD drive.



To forward to the next step, click on the ôNextö button


To return to the previous step, click on the ôBackö button.


(Step 3) Finalizing check


Finally, you need to give your permission to start the process of building.


The window shows you the list of files size and the 1st and 2nd disc size.




To start building, click on the ôCheck to Finalizeö radio button then click on the ôStart processö button.


To return to the previous step, click on the ôBackö button.


(Step 4) Finishing building


Now, the window shows the status of the building process.



After the building is finished, click on the ôGo to Burnö button to move to the DVD burn process.


To abort the building process, click on the ôAbortö button.


To return to the previous step, click on the ôBackö button.